
Authors in Pubs is expanding its monthly show to include a burlesque/steampunk style review. Planning is brand new and we welcome any and all suggestions or comments. It could be a fashion show, skits or something just a ‘little naughty’. My first idea is to start the show at 9:30 pm just as the Authors in Pubs readings end. There will be a cover, but the people already inside get to stay for free. What we currently have is:

1) The Jack London Bar as a venue. Full bar, full menu, stage, lighting, professional mixer/sound system and seats for 110

2) Our band, The Consort Symbiotic, has recently added a fourth member. We now have clarinet, muted trumpet, keyboards and percussion.

3) Don Van Kirk will produce the show and be responsible for its content, advertising and basically what & who goes where.

What we need is:

1) Performers, actors, theater people and maybe even a set designer and a director at some point

2) Input, ideas, comments and just plain ‘HELP’

Please contact me with anything you think of.

Don Van Kirk

dvk2u@earthlink.net, don.vankirk@gmail.com, 503-739-5411 cell

1 Response to Burlesque

  1. Caryl Lynn Taylor says:

    Great idea and long overdue! I will gladly support and toot your collective horn to friends and family any time~ Keep us up to date on your progress ~ Caryl Lyn

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